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How To Measure Your Hotel's Value Before Listing It

Hotels are one of the most distinctive investment opportunities in the real estate market. They provide a combination of real estate and commercial components. Accurately estimating your hotel’s value is crucial if you’re considering selling it. You can follow the instructions in this article to determine your hotel’s worth before putting it up for sale.

It’s crucial to understand why value matters before getting into the specifics. Hotel valuation involves more than just determining a price; it also entails making informed choices, luring in prospective purchasers, and making sure that all sides receive a fair transaction.

There are essentially three major approaches to hotel valuations:

 1. The income capitalization 

technique is founded on the idea that a property’s net return, or what is referred to as the “present worth of future benefits,” represents how much it is worth. The net income from properties that generate money, like hotels, will be beneficial in the future.


Approximated using a projection of revenue, expenses, and anticipated selling proceeds. These advantages may be changed.

Through a capitalization procedure and discounted cash flow analysis, into a representation of market value. 

Diverse Investment Opportunities :


Investing in hospitality is going past simply buying accommodations. The region offers many investment possibilities, including restaurants, resorts, casinos, topic parks, and more. This variety lets buyers customise their investments based on their options and risk tolerance. It also allows diversification inside the industry itself, lowering typical hazards.

2. Cost Approach 

This is most helpful when deciding whether it is better to buy or create. This strategy is rarely used because it compares the cost of purchasing an existing house to creating one, disregarding economic or income-related considerations.

3. Sales Comparison Approach 

This is the best option for these circumstances. Based on previous sales of comparable hotels, it focuses on establishing ranges and price momentum.


How to value a hotel – Basic Principles for Hotel Valuation

Multiplier for Room-Rate


Average Daily Rate, or ADR, is one of the hotel industry’s more well-known KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). According to this rule of thumb, each room is worth 1,000 times the ADR, or 3.5 to 4.5 times the annual room revenues (RevPAR x # of Rooms x 3.5-4.5) if you are familiar with RevPAR (Revenue per Available Room).

Value = number of rooms x ADR x 1,000 

The Coca-Cola Bottle/Can Multiplier


This handy rule of thumb is very “exact” and enjoyable. The cost of a bottle or can of soda in the hotel’s vending machines or the minibars in each room is 100,000 times higher.

Value is calculated as Bottle/Can Price times 100,000 x Rooms.


The hotel’s estimated value of €5,250,000, based on our earlier example and an assumption of €1.5 for each Coke, isn’t too far off from our first estimate. In-room minibars are sadly becoming obsolete because they are a constant source of frustration for hotels and are not prioritised by guests.


Additionally, relying on it is a wacky strategy. It’s more of a wonder that there is a negligible association between hotel valuations and this factor.


Comparison of Room Prices and Sales

In a perfect environment, you might contrast the sale or purchase of the in question hotel to a prior sale with the same terms. But because our world is complicated, we must try to make things as simple as possible. For hotels, this usually means breaking them down into individual rooms.


By breaking down previous hotel sales on a per-room basis, this technique allows you to compare apples to oranges (kind of). For instance, you may reach a 100-room hotel sale to a 35-room hotel sale. To get the PPR (Price Per Room) value, you must divide the total sales price by the number of rooms.

PPR equals Sale Price/Rooms



Bringing everything together

The best place to start would be to rapidly compute all three techniques, giving us three distinct values of 1) €4,900,000 if you seriously consider buying or pricing to sell our “imagined” example hotel. 2) €5,250,000 & 3) €5,075,000; therefore, unless the asking price (in the event of a purchase) or anticipation (in the case of a sale) is close to or below these figures, we should go on and investigate other choices. The 60-second valuation will have achieved its goal in this situation. However, if the purchase justifies additional investigation, there are many other, more accurate options.

What sort of considerations must a hotel valuer make while conducting a valuation?

A hotel valuer must be well-versed in the industry, the asset they value, and its surroundings. They must be able to evaluate the existing management team’s performance, whether good or bad and use that information to determine hypothetically how well another reasonably efficient operator might operate the same asset on the valuation date. 



The Function of Market Research

Carry out a comprehensive market analysis


Analysing the market is essential before putting your hotel on the market. This entails researching local rivalry, demand and supply dynamics, and economic considerations. You may better comprehend your hotel’s position in the industry by doing a thorough market analysis.


Evaluate similar sales


Look for nearby hotels that have recently sold similar properties. These comparable sales (comps) can be used as valuable yardsticks to determine the worth of your property. Factors like location, size, and facilities should be considered when comparing.


Examine financial records 


Conduct a financial evaluation


Examine the hotel’s financial records to establish its market value. Revenue, costs, and profit margins are all included. Potential buyers will extensively examine these figures, so be sure they are precise and current.


Determine the capitalization rate


A key indicator of hotel value is the capitalization rate, sometimes known as the cap rate. It aids prospective buyers in understanding their investment’s return. Net operating income (NOI) is divided by the property’s current market value to determine the cap rate.


Reputation and Brand


 Evaluate the brand value


Consider this if your hotel is associated with a well-known company. Brand recognition can be a huge value-add. Analyse the brand’s effect on your hotel’s popularity and earnings.


Examine online testimonials


Online testimonials and rankings offer insightful information about the standing of your hotel. Positive comments can increase the perceived worth of your property. To lessen the impact of unfavourable evaluations, respond promptly to them.



Before putting your hotel up for sale, assessing its worth is essential. You may guarantee a smooth and profitable sale by thoroughly analysing the market, finances, physical condition, brand, marketing plans, growth potential, and pricing to draw in serious buyers; remember that accuracy and transparency are essential.

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